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35 year development has now gone into the P2000 system producing features that some manufacture need four units to cover, while still maintaining the P2000’s original design philosophy. That of combining a very efficient multi-bank charging system, with extremely simple installation and a display system that allows true battery charge monitoring

P2000 display, allows all charge functions to be monitored simultaneously, employing multiple LED bar-graphs. These provide volts and charge amps or net amps for each service battery bank, engine battery is normally voltage only.

   The digital option provides a detailed read-out for all bar-graphs.

   Fresh water tank level can be displayed on ammeter bar-graph display.

   Easy installation, only requires connecting a multi-core data cable.

P2000 pre-assembled control and contactor modules, with 3 and 4 bank     units supplied assembled on a stainless steel mounting plate.

The assembly includes hall effect shunts, data pick-up for the display module, all circuits are protected by PTC fuses ( resetable )  these include all display feeds and power feed to contactor coils.

P2000 switching employs heavy duty high specification contactors ( relays ), that have IP66 water protection. Unlike relays employed by some manufactures, contactors can carry far higher loads while maintaining a low contact volt drop of only 0.04 volt / 100 amp.

They have disconnect ( drop out ) currents above their nominal capacity rating and carry intermittent current 3 or 4 times their nominal current rating. This makes them ideal for short high load applications such as emergency link start feature.

P2000 customisation allows units to be supplied to meet specific     installations or requirements.

This can be from non standard voltages, amperages, or display to a units to suit bridge mounted batteries. Isolating them at a set voltage or if water is detected in the bilge to provide a reserve, supplied with it’s own control panel audio visual trip alarm and voltage display.

P2000 split charging systems ONE   data cable ONE  VSR module ONE   display on-line store

Why system ONE, because it uses

ONE display module.

ONE distribution and monitoring module, connected by

ONE multi-core data cable,

producing a system that is extremely easy to fit, minimises built time and thus costs, while still being an extremely flexible design that cover single and twin engine installation, with 2, 3 of 4 battery banks.

Is a current monitor that fits on either the main input cable to the VSR, or the feed cable to the inverter or bow thruster. It monitors the current for high levels that can result in overload to the charge circuit and alternator. Such as the inverter pulling it’s power from the engine battery with a low service battery capacity. This can be a problem with some VSR’s that use low specification contacts that have a low break capacity that cannot handle these high currents. Powercentre employ high specification contactors, these can break their full rated capacity with overload capacity in hand.

Systems for single or twin engines, 3 or 4 battery bank installations can be supplied, these can be configured to monitor all battery charging outputs separately and drop out individual charge circuits.

Shunsen fits all Powercentre VSR and system ONE modules, it requires cutting no power cables and the trip and reset levels are adjustable to suit installation.

P2000 system ONE  VSR shunsen

P2000 high load inter-face monitors starter motor, bow thruster / stern thruster use, dropping out the contactor / contactors  isolating any high currents.

   This protects the charging system ( solar or wind ) or cabling from  high induction loading on engine start.

new standard option / to order